Online COurses on Strategy Execution

Customised & applied learning provides online courses in strategy execution and management experimentation for organisations. These are customised to meet the specific needs of clients and can incorporate self-directed learning, faculty-led learning or a blend of both.

 Whatever delivery format is used, the learning is application-oriented. Strategy execution and management experimentation are best learned through doing – so it is ideal to intertwine learning and day-job challenges, ensuring an immediate impact on organisations. These learning programmes are designed as transformation programmes.

iMac used for online learning

Andrew MacLennan designs online courses that draw not only upon his subject matter expertise but also decades of experience designing learning interventions at institutions including London Business School, Duke Corporate Education and Edinburgh Business School. The latter’s MBA programme, one of the world’s largest, was a distance learning pioneer and early adopter of digital learning. The Making Strategies Work elective, designed by Dr MacLennan, remains very popular since its launch almost 20 years ago.